Rules & Information
By logging onto UltimaMC, you hereby agree to these terms and conditions that we have set, doing otherwise could result in severe punishment against your account.
Please take note that these rules and/or any information provided may be subject to change at any point in time.
Official Minecraft EULA (here)
Minecraft Usage Guidelines (here)
Last Updated: 2024/06/04
Global Rules
- Please refer to our punishment chart in the last category for information about offense levels.
- Offenses are also related to the severity of the ban. For example; If a player is banned with a severity of Offense 2, the next time (if they are banned again) will be of Offense 3.
- Ensure you have carefully read the rules in the Kingdoms/Missile Wars categories as well, as they cover a very large portion of things that we may or may not allow on Ultima Kingdoms & Missile Wars.
- Your ignorance for the rules are not the staff teams responsibility and if broken, you will receive the appropriate punishment.
- Please note that staff members ranked Admin and higher have the right to ban you at any time, for any reason. These decisions come extremely rarely and are well thought-out with an administrator present before execution.
Be respectful
- Respect is paramount . Please respect other players at all times, as we on Ultima do not allow any amount of prejudice, utter disrespect, belittling, bullying, etc.
- No toxicity: It's okay to be salty, but please do not offend other players or act disorderly. Any repeated offenses will result a mute degree of Offense 1.
- Offending other players: Offending another player similarly relates with the rule listed above. Among the forms of offenses include racism, sexism, or use of vulgar symbols/language/slurs, doing so will result in a mute of Offense 2. Example: "Hitler did nothing wrong", "I hope you outlive your children" etc.
- Trolling/Misguiding: Telling a player the wrong way to play the game or do something intentionally, will not be tolerated. Please be respectful and answer any questions any new players have in regards to the server. Breaking this rule will result in a warn, followed by a mute degree of Offense 2 if repeated.
- Harassment: If a player has used /ignore on you, harassing them through the discord or any other means that could bypass the /ignore command/feature, will result in a instant mute or ban depending on the severity.
- Swearing, bypassing the chat filter more than 3 times will result in a mute of Offense 1.
- Any attempt to advertise will result in an instant mute of Offense 3.
- Do not engage in mini-modding. This is a job for the staff team.
- Do not engage in sexual conversations and/or make players feel uncomfortable. This will result in a mute of Offense 1.
- We try to encourage an English-speaking-only chat as we are a Canadian based English server with few that speak native languages. This is to provide more chat security, as people may tend to break chat rules in another language. There are kingdom specific chat channels and private messaging which could be used as an alternative to the public channels.
- Hacking is considered to be the most offensive and forbidden form of blacklisted game-enhancing modifications and will not be tolerated.
Modifications that we allow, with some specific exceptions:
- All of Lunar Client's and Badlion's built-in mods are allowed.
- Auto-clicking is allowed if you are grinding hostile or non hostile mobs only if you are present.
- If you do not respond within 3 minutes while Auto-clicking, you will be banned under Offense 1. You must put your Auto-clicker at 10CPS or below.
- Auto-clicking is not allowed for Player vs Player combat, under any circumstances.
- AFK Fish farming is not allowed, you must be present. We are always keeping tabs.
- Resource packs that allow you to see specific blocks/terrain, passive/hostile mobs (including players) are not allowed.
- Optifine is allowed.
- 5zig is allowed.
- Fullbright is allowed.
- Badlion & Lunar Client are both allowed.
- Minimaps (as long as they do not reveal players, chests, or ores.)
- Waypoints are allowed.
- Trolling and scamming is defined as a dishonest scheme and fraud. While it is technically allowed, it is harshly frowned upon and should not be done often.
Example: Renaming items to make players buy them, or deceiving players in any other way to gain profit.
- Players who receive more than two complaints from other players that prove as legitimate, suggesting that you did anything listed above, will be banned with a degree of Offense 1.
Alternate Accounts
- Using alternate/alt accounts to AFK and gain loot or win games on Missile Wars or Kingdoms, is strictly prohibited and will result in a perm ban of your alternate account.
- Ban evading with a alternate account will result in an IP-Ban with a higher degree than the original ban.
- Using alts for any other purpose will also result in a perm ban of the alt.
Note: We can still detect alternate accounts when you use a Virtual Private Network / VPN.
Note: Moderators and higher are allowed to have an alt account for testing purposes and to play as a regular player. This is to ensure no non-player commands get in the way or interrupt gameplay.
Abusing Bugs/Exploits
- Duping methods of any kind.
- Finding abusive methods of putting the economy into a decline.
- Bypassing claims.
If you find any bugs or exploits on Ultima, we encourage that you report it to the staff team immediately. Abusing said bugs or exploits will result in a ban of Offense 2.
Common Sense
Hopefully after reading all of the general rules of Ultima. you have gained an understanding of what is expected of you on our server. To close off, we would like to remind you in general to use common sense. Remember that every other player on the server is a real human being, and should be treated just as if you were talking to them in person. Please do not hesitate to contact our support/staff team should you have additional questions - any feedback improves the community immensely. Have fun on Ultima!
Last Updated: 2024/06/06
Kingdoms Rules
- Please refer to our punishment chart in the last category for information about offense levels.
- Offenses are also related to the severity of the ban. For example; If a player is banned with a severity of Offense 2, the next time (if they are banned again) will be of Offense 3.
- Ensure you have carefully read the rules in the Kingdoms/Missile Wars categories as well, as they cover a very large portion of things that we may or may not allow on Ultima Kingdoms & Missile Wars.
- Your ignorance for the rules are not the staff teams responsibility and if broken, you will receive the appropriate punishment.
- Please note that staff members ranked Admin and higher have the right to ban you at any time, for any reason. These decisions come extremely rarely and are well thought-out with an administrator present before execution.
- Insiding/Betraying Pacifist kingdoms is not allowed, and will result in severe punishment depending on the severity of the situation, determined by the staff member present.
- Insiding/Betraying Aggressor kingdoms is allowed. You are to assume full responsibility for those you allow in your kingdom, no items will be returned to you and nothing will be rolled back.
- If a base is unclaimed, whether they identify as either a Pacifist or Aggressor Kingdom, other kingdoms are by all means allowed to claim it. Ensure you have the proper resources to claim things before you execute any construction on unclaimed land.
- Harassing Pacifist Kingdoms by intentionally destroying the terrain around their claimed land or through any other methods is punishable on a case-by-case basis. Similarly, Pacifists are not allowed to take aggressive action on or harass other Kingdoms.
- If you find an unknown means of bypassing claims, do not abuse it. You will receive a severe punishment if you do. Please follow up with the staff team in the #bug-reports channel in Discord, and/or contact any of the staff members online directly.
Duping Methods
- Carpet Duping is not allowed.
- Rail Duping is not allowed.
- TNT Duping is allowed.
Spawn Killing
- In the instance where you are being spawn-killed by turrets, staff are allowed to teleport you to the Market.
Last Updated: 2024/07/06
Missile Wars Rules
- Please refer to our punishment chart in the last category for information about offense levels.
- Offenses are also related to the severity of the ban. For example; If a player is banned with a severity of Offense 2, the next time (if they are banned again) will be of Offense 3.
- Ensure you have carefully read the rules in the Kingdoms/Missile Wars categories as well, as they cover a very large portion of things that we may or may not allow on Ultima Kingdoms & Missile Wars.
- Your ignorance for the rules are not the staff teams responsibility and if broken, you will receive the appropriate punishment.
- Please note that staff members ranked Admin and higher have the right to ban you at any time, for any reason. These decisions come extremely rarely and are well thought-out with an administrator present before execution.
Team Griefing
There's nothing worse than having one of your trusty teammates give your entire team a huge disadvantage. Team griefing is bannable. You will be warned, and if the infractions continue then you will receive a ban punishment under Offense 1.
- Placing missiles inside your team's base to hinder progress and attempting to destroy your own portal is not allowed.
- Using defensive utilities to hinder your teammates progress is not allowed.
- Destroying blocks underneath your teammates feet to kill them is not allowed.
- Purposefully placing missiles inside of another teammates missile to blow it up is not allowed.
Team switching/Loss Avoidance
If you switch teams or leave solely because of any of the below listed reasons, you will receive a ban punishment under Offense 1.
- To increase your own chances of winning
- To avoid a loss
- To boost your own stats
- Defined as playing against another co-operating player for the sole purpose of increasing your statistics, through team griefing or having one person farm kills/wins off the other, this will result in both accounts being banned under Offense 1.
Last Updated: 2024/06/06
Ultima Network
Punishment Chart
- Offenses are also related to the severity of the ban. For example; If a player is banned with a severity of Offense 2, the next time (if they are banned again) will be of Offense 3.
- Ensure you have carefully read the rules in the other categories, as it covers a very large portion of things that we may or may not allow on Ultima Kingdoms & Missile Wars. Your ignorance for the rules are not the staff teams responsibility and if broken, you will receive an appropriate punishment.
- Please note that staff members ranked Admin and higher have the right to ban you at any time, for any reason. These decisions come extremely rarely and are well thought-out with an administrator present before execution.
On the previous rule categories, you will notice that most of the rules have a specific Offense degree. (Offense 1, 2, 3, etc.)
Use these charts below to find the mute and ban times corresponding with the specified Offenses.
Any offense after Offense 6 is permanent.

Last Updated: 2024/06/06