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Missile Wars v0.7.2 - Melted Rubber
2 minute read

We have flipped the paradigm of item distribution on its head with per-item cooldowns. We gave high-ping players all around the world light at the end of the tunnel with easier fireball deflection and missile defusals. We made the official original Missile Wars server follow in my footsteps. But this pales in comparison to the innovation that I have achieved today. Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, when I tell you that this accomplishment is something truly spectacular.

After trying the new defuse helper
, Ito said, "still rubberbanding", so I said "bet". Using the combined power of Ultima's very own missile tracking system, packet modification, and delving deep into the code of the Minecraft server itself, players will no longer be rubberbanded, in position or camera angle, while travelling on missiles. We cannot overstate how incredible this feels both as a developers and as a player. From now on, enjoy the smoothest Missile Wars gameplay you've ever experienced, a no-latency-at-all feeling that you'll never want to go back from.

Of course, such a system is not perfect. If you have really high ping and are riding a fast missile by hanging onto a wall, other players might see you 1-2 blocks further back then you are on the client. This issue is unavoidable, but should not cause any issues other than some funny visuals. You might still rubberband if your internet is very unstable. Anti-rubberband only works if you're riding on a game missile - any other sources of lag and rubberbanding are completely unaccounted for. Finally, high ping users may find themselves falling through holes a lot more now - you'll just have to get used to that.

. Really. Come on and try it!

Kingdoms? Revamped?!
Kingdoms? Revamped?!
0 minute read
💥Missile Wars💥
💥Missile Wars💥
Log in now to be immersed into an intense Missile Wars experience!
1 minute read